Conditional and Ternary operator ( ?, : )

 Conditional and Ternary operator ( ?, : )

Conditional and Ternary operator is used to check the condition at that place of it by using this operator we can  minimize the length of the program because true part and false part of condition is written in a single line.


(condition )? true part : false part 

Conditional or Ternary Operator (?:) in C/C++ - GeeksforGeeks


/*Program to find the largest no among two number using conditional and ternary operator  */




{        int a,b;


          printf(" \n Enter the value for a and b = \n");


          (a>b)?printf("%d is largest ",a) : printf("%d is largest ",b);



/*    Output:--

                    Enter the value for a and b =20


                    20 is largest



 flowchart :--



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